The Parc is a place where everyone goes to relax, stroll, do sports or play. The red bench is a new installation that makes the space even more welcoming.

Monday 14th May 2018



16 °C scattered clouds.

Even though at the entrance it is written that bicycles are not allowed, many people ride them and give meaning to the differentiated pavements.

Soldiers patrolling.

there’s room for everybody.

Wednesday 16th May 2018



Today the person who sleeps near the water is here. Even the part of the park where few tents are is quite crowded, but it seems nobody cares about it (just the children who explore discover its existence).

It’s been a while since this man started walking in the park, stopping sometimes. He looks wistful, and he noticed me.

19:24     PARC LéOPOLD     16 °C


The stillness of buildings.

The slow swishing of the fronds.

The blue sky and the clouds moved by the wind.

The animals moving on the ground, on the water, in the sky.

Someone is on a break, he sits and doesn’t move much.

The flow of people in the street, walking, riding, in a stroller.

The flying leaves, and the sand too.

Thursday 17th May 2018

15:00 LéOPOLD


Perfect day to rest on the grass or on a bench.

Business men walk past at a faster pace compared to the others.

Friday 15th June 2018

18:30 - LéOPOLD   24°C


They mounted an “installation”/sitting place.

Very cool.

The children are barefoot and so am I.

The “peace” of the Friday.

Everyone walks calmly. Wearing short sleeves is not that bad.

Traffic, animals and water.

Depending on the direction of the wind, I can smell French fries.

Sunlight is strong, but it’s fading.


19:00   23°C


The sun went behind the House of European History.

Thursday 21st June 2018

15:00 – Léopold  16°C


It feels like the city is distant, even though it’s really close. Could be the complex space, the topography that don’t make the park look so urban, designed.

Friday 22nd June 2018



Friday has a different touch from the other days. Every place looks more relaxed, in spite of the usual traffic, people walk at a slower pace.

Many schools are closed for the holidays and the children play in the street.

It doesn’t feel like summer at all, it’s windy and when a cloud blocks the sun it’s very cold. Anyway, the people here seem not to care that much about it.

Sitting on the grass is much more comfortable than in the Parliament, but makes me sleepy.

When I tried to get to Exki to work indoor, I found a huge queue (12:00), so I opted for the Park.

Thursday 28th June 2018


The park…works. But the installations, like the red one, need to be incentivised.

Friday 29th June 2018

12:30   LéOPOLD


It’s break time for everybody. In the shade of the tree, despite it’s quite crowded, there’s room and it’s nice.

What’s annoying?

The continuous sound of car honks. A traffic that not only is present, but hyper-present, a prima donna.

A crossroad full of traffic lights and pissed off drivers.