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Vol. 3 – The Polarquest 2018 Arctic expedition. A geographical report

Brano dall’Introduzione di

Claudio Cerreti

This book is the third in the «Geografia a libero accesso» series, that the Italian Geographical Society has created to host its digital publications. The purpose of the editorial initiative is to make works by the Society’s members easier to access and circulate, so that results from studies and research activities may be freely disseminated.
We hope that our fellows and the wide audience in the Web will appreciate this effort. Gianluca Casagrande’s book further extends the accessibility beyond the Italian-speaking context: a necessary choice, since it has an international endeavor as its topic and will have international readers as a significant share of its audience.
The work features – on an extrinsic level – several «new» elements; yet, in many ways, it is a sort of «translation» in present-day terms of a kind of scientific literature that must be considered – in our field – a classic. Not by chance, among the Italian Geographical Society’s publications, it has several and historic precedents: the genre we are referring to is the journey report. In the following pages, the reader will find an extensive account of the geographical aspects of the Arctic research and communication expedition «Polarquest2018», in which the author participated as onboard scientist,
also as a representative of the Society.
As any other good journey report, this one too begins by presenting the scientific rationale of the expedition in its geographical context, clearly stating the reasons for the presence of a geographer in the crew. Then comes the account, derived from the expedition logbook and from other texts written during the operations. Several scientific activities – full-blown research work and methodological tests – are then presented and discussed, putting forth some relevant results of surveys and visits conducted in various «points of interests» of the Svalbard Islands………

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